Courtship can actually be very challenging, a lot of singles started with the hope of getting married but ended with both parties going their separate ways for one reason or the other. The following tips will help you to have a successful courtship in addition to the dos and don’ts of Christian courtship.

LOVE: Even though it takes more than love to sustain a relationship, Love is still key in sustaining a relationship, true love stands the test of time, and any relationship built on material things without true love will surely collapse. If a guy truly loves you as a lady, He will not want to defile you before your wedding night. Do not marry someone you do not love, no matter the persuasion, Love transcends beauty or any other facial qualities. Let love be the bedrock of your relationship.
FORGIVENESS: No matter how much you

Both love each other, times will come when you will offend each other or have some forms of disagreement over issues that may lead to one party feeling offended, you must learn to forgive each other. Do not hold grudges against your partner, be open to discuss and settle your differences. Do not hold on to past mistakes and errors. Always forgive each other. Unforgiveness can lead to bitterness, hatred, suspicion and lack of trust, which are all killers of relationship.

 singles pray
TRUST: Trust is very vital in sustaining a courtship, if you cannot trust each other there is no point moving along. Without trust, there will be gross suspicion capable of destroying the relationship. Some women have made up their mind never to trust any guy again in their life due to past disappointments; if you carry that notion into your new relationship then you can be sure of getting nowhere. The fact is that you should not even think of marrying someone you cannot trust. So learn to trust your partner. Many of our assumptions are not always right! The fact that you called her and she did not pick the call is not to conclude that she is seeing another man or maybe she deliberately did not want to pick your calls. Be considerate and always put yourself in your partner’s shoes.

UNDERSTANDING: as earlier mentioned, one of the things courtship period does is to allow the two parties understand each other. Remember you both have different minds, so you cannot think alike, it calls for proper understanding to actually flow together. Learn to be patient with each other and not overreact too quickly, take things gently and with understanding. Most of the things that cause trouble or misunderstanding in courtship are just simple things.

COMMUNICATION: Without effective communication, there will be lots of assumptions and misunderstanding. You both must be able to express yourself in a way that you both will understand, talk plainly not in parables! Don’t assume your partner knows what you are thinking when you never told him/her, don’t assume he/she should know what you are passing through if you’ve never told him/her. Talk about your plans and visions, talk, talk, talk! Also, remember that your body language is also part of communication, your partners is also reading the expressions on your face. When you say sorry, does your body language say so too?
BOUNDARIES: Christian liberty is not freedom to commit sin, you must at the beginning of the courtship and as you go along set boundaries to guide your relationship as Christians, your boundaries determine your no-go areas. If you do not set boundaries soon you will discover you are romancing and doing a lot of contrary things to God’s standard of holiness. Never engage in sex until you are married, petting, kissing and romancing are manifestations of lustful desires!

PRAYERS: Even in marriage, it is said that the family that prays together stays together. Prayer is very vital in a relationship as well as reading scriptures and your devotion to God. Learn to pray together, the bible says if two of you shall agree as touching anything, it will be done. There are forces of darkness that may be militating against your life or your future home; you need to destroy their plans in fervent prayers. You need to commit everything, to God in prayers. Jesus said watch and pray!

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