Image result for broken heart in relationship
I was talking to a friend yesterday who has experienced a multiplicity of very harsh circumstances in her life over the last few years and has recently been clobbered with more heartache.  

Behind tears she cautiously described how she sometimes feels like Satan is fighting harder for her life than her Heavenly Father.
These words struck a chord with me and seemed to aptly describe how I often feel in the spiritual battle for my own mind and heart.  

There have been various circumstances in the last two years that have made me feel as though the challenges are being heaped on often leaving me wondering where God is and what happened to his protective hand in our life. 
- Why does it feel like we are relentlessly being attacked? 
- Is God allowing the enemy a free-for-all? 
- Why has He not intervened to thwart the on-going strife? 
- What is the point of all this heartache if I end up so completely broken that I retreat, internally and externally, rendering myself useless for the Kingdom? 
- How much can a person take before they surrender to the aggressor in hopes that the pain will relent?

The truth, written in my heart, consistently seems to override all these questions, and I am reminded that although the principalities of darkness are at work in this world, seeking to devour us, the price for my life has already been paid
And though frankly, at times, like my friend, I wonder whether I will be devoured—seared into my soul, and hers, is an understanding that the victory for our lives has already been won. 
No matter how hard Satan fights, he will never be victorious…we can be broken but we will not be destroyed! 
Image result for broken pots in a potters house


  1. Hmm.. lovely.. It's been dawning on me, more and more, that challenges only come to those who are capable of overcoming and that every examination only tells that there's a promotion ahead.

  2. Wow! In all we are more than conqureors @femi onikoyi. Thanks for sharing


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