SINGLES SERIES - COURTSHIP: What you need to know!

 Discovery has shown that greater percentage of marriages are collapsing and there is high divorce rate in our generation is as a result of vices and faulty courtship period.

Marriage is an institution established by

God, in the book of Genesis God said it is not good for the man to be alone. The bible says, therefore, shall a man live his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife. The two then become one, what a mystery! Quickly know this that, “marriage is not for boys but for men, not for small girls but for women,” you must be matured physically, spiritually, mentally, socially, financially before you get married. Adam was not a boy, he had a job, had an accommodation (the garden of course!) before he got married to Eve. Also, note that marriage is not between Adam & Steve or Eva & Eve, same-sex marriage is a perversion of God’s Holy order of marriage and it’s even against nature.

So in marriage a man finds his wife (within the will of God), the bible says whoso finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. So the process of marriage begins with a ready man looking for a ready woman!

After knowing the will of God for your life in marriage, a guy goes ahead and propose marriage to the lady, let me quickly add this that it is the duty of the guy to propose and not the other way round, and the proposal must be clear and well understood, don’t enter into a relationship based on assumption! the fact that a guy asked for your name, address, e-mail, social media contact, invited you for a dinner etc does not mean you are in courtship already, he must make it clear to you as a lady that he wants to marry you, and both of you eventually agree to get married which is based on the lady saying YES to the proposal, let me also say this before we discuss courtship properly that the guy must be patient with the lady for an answer, he should allow the lady to pray about it and make up her mind, also, the lady should ask the guy some questions. The guy should also be able to reveal certain information that the lady might not be aware of for example if the guy has a child (maybe when in secondary school) from a lady he’s not married to. The rule is that be opened. When the lady eventually says YES! The next thing is Courtship.

So what is Christian courtship?

Christian Courtship is simply the time gap between when a Christian lady says yes to a marriage proposal from a Christian brother.

In as much as you can’t go to the altar the following day of the marriage proposal, it therefore means that the period in between must be well utilized, failure of which a lot of marriages have suffered serious setbacks and breakage.

So what are you supposed to be doing between the period both of you formally agreed to be married and when you eventually get married (note: you are not married until you are married)

The period of courtship is not just the period to tell your fiancé/e I love you one million times a day or a time to be moving from one restaurant to another or just looking at each other’s faces and just planning for the wedding day alone, courtship is far more serious than that. Courtship is a period to really find out whether the two of you are meant for each other, a time to agree. The bible says can two walk together except they be agreed. A time to verify that the yes you said at the beginning is truly yes.

Note that set of rules must be agreed upon to guide your courtship, otherwise, you will be like a ship on a high sea without a compass and without an anchor. Rules are very important, write them down and follow them to the letter; the two of you must help each other to stand!

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