Kelechi Mbah
There exist many kinds of lives. The invested life is living beyond you. The impact of this life can be so immense that you really need a self-appraisal session and strategies to do more. Really!
The world waits in earnest manifestation of the sons of God………….If you Know, you know.
While some are wishing, complaining, here’s a life that’s executing (Kelechi Mbah). The testimonials are just a few.
Meant to encourage you out there that the world is for a taking. Start where you are. TAKE ACTION!
You do not meet her at the same spot every year. She keeps upgrading. Like she says "Life is cyclical".
On this special day of your birthday, Here's what a few are saying, be encouraged. His Grace is sufficient for you.

Dear P. KC, 

     I know that I am not one given to the loudness of speech and obvious declarations. I do not operate the tall volumes of human praises if it were not thoroughly deserving. I am the sort that seeks to question every syllable of expressed knowledge. I always wanted to know why you talk the way you do, I always wanted to know why your words sometimes hang on our chests with divergent interpretations: why we can have your words good, and we could have it really bad sometimes.

But I have come to understand that the quality life is not a result of a bunch of comfort speeches, cherried praises and spicy ego massage. It is however the result of tough feedbacks and unprecedented obedience to helpful instructions. This you have offered me an opportunity to know. 

    My dear mother, friend, big sister, pastor, I cannot fit into today if my words do not go out in boundless appreciation to your leadership.  Thank you for the whips and weeps, I thank you for the stony words that broke us to put us in shape. Thank you for blessing us with the massive rebukes,   Ohhh! Thank you for believing in me even when I did not believe in myself - you absolutely do not know you are my strongest push in a person. 

  I pray that greatness will never stop being your companion. I pray that nations would hear your voice. I pray that your generation would experience massive volumes of ancient and contemporary tested God given wisdom through you. 

 Happy birthday Momma of life. I love you

Maxwell Eromosele.

Happy Birthday Mama.

A mentor of Life. Woman extraordinaire. Mrs. Kelechi Mbah. A brand like no other. Constantly modeling Christ and the spirit of excellence.

A mother of 4 who sees no limitations except the ones you've placed which can be dismantled cos that's what happens to challenges anyways. I love and cherish you beyond words.

Meeting you just a few years ago and looking at where I am right now, the woman I'm becoming, I am grateful and sure God had me in mind all the time. With every passing day I see myself doing more because I know I'm inexcusable and you taught me so.

God bless you for being such a blessing. I love you more than words can say.

*Dear Pee Kacy*, 

On your birthday, I’d like to express my sincere gratitude for all your time and efforts teaching, praying for and guiding us. You are many things to many people. 

It seems like everything you touch is successful! It’s no doubt because of your strong morals and character. 

It's clear that God has blessed you and your work. May God continue to do so in the years to come. 

Thank-you for the right skills and knowledge that you’ve given me and other future leaders. 

Thank you for caring about our career and well-being. For always being eager to help no matter what is needed — a brainstorm partner or a coffee buddy.

You are a fantastic example of wisdom, leadership, and foresight. You have been a great role model of selfless giving.

You have inspired me in so many ways. I'm thankful that you're in my life.

I am so grateful to have you as my leader and mentor. Your example has given me a better understanding of what it takes to achieve greatness in life.

Today we get to thank you as we remember your achievements. I pray that you will enjoy many more years of service and continue to be a blessing to others. 

Thank you for your continued support, guidance, and encouragement. I hope the next year brings you many new fantastic experiences and I look forward to continuing to do great work with you. 

P.S: Pastor Kelechi Mbah should be an institution where people come to learn.  Or maybe it is, as far as I know I am the class captain of set 2019 100level

Yours sincerely,

Stephanie Malu (Class Captain) 

For 100 level 🤣🤣

What a special day to celebrate a special figure. You've been such a source of inspiration to us all. A woman with the power of ten men. A woman with a heart of gold. May this day bring you sweet memories. I'm glad I met you. Happy birthday PKC. I love you passionately.

Kelechi Mbah

*Pastor Kelechi Tobechi Mbah:*
It was at Women's convention 2012 at Enugu, I heard this delectable woman speak on Rejection (God had started working on me about a year plus back), as she narrated her story, I saw a woman who took her ordeal and made greatness out of it. As a girl who was beautiful but broken, I desired what she had, boldness,  strength... I remember hustling to be in her break out group but as I wasn't sharp or 'street' enough, na so the usher said "Sister, please join the other group nau? (Chai, sometimes 'Ajebo' is not fair) Na so I take shift but I was always looking out for her. She never left my mind. Since then na only 'fam fam' from afar. 

Fast forward to Camp meeting 2013, we were having mass choir rehearsal (Hallelujah chorus), she was quick to observe and pick out the few of us that knew/scored the song (As tiny as I was, I was shocked how she encouraged me). I was just glaring at her and when they shouted sing, OMG I sang with everything in me.  I still believe especially with what I know now that if you put your feet down, we would have gotten that song. 
Men and brethren, as we came for choir retreat in September 2018, guess whose house group I was put in?  Her house! 🤯Miracle, Miracle... As I had not seen her in Church up until that day, It was a surprise, surprise.  That was the beginning of my close-mark observation...
P. Kacy, You’re an enigma... You're true symbol of the Christian feminine strength: firm yet not callous,  the motherly love: BIG vision wrapped in CORRECT discipline ooo, and sisterly grace with truth and strength abi courage???? 
Ma, you have so many virtues and words are limiting in the effort to describe how valuable you are to us. Your eagle-eyed vision, pushing us beyond our comfort zone, Your  trail blazing efforts at your work place (we can see it ooo,  thank God for LinkedIn ), Your discipline and excellence (seems like a debt to God).
Your leadership style has helped me adapt at my place of work. 

You're a true worshipper, an Amazon in intercession, A Gift, You're an example, A virtuous woman, A star, A stunning giver,  A Standard,  A true friend, The one that will tell you the truth others are afraid to say (this is my special revelation), You're beautiful in and out, encourages gifts and talents in people and not afraid to push others forward. 
There is so much to express, yet so little words...
I love you, Ma. You know I do. 
You're a GIFT to us and we appreciate you for always being there. 
Thank you for saying Yes to Jesus, 
Thank you, Lord for the Gift of Kelechi Tobechi Nnodim-Mbah
*Happy birthday, Mama*
*#over to Uncle Livi @⁨Livinus Igwe⁩ to write the Epistle of Prayers for Mama*

Happy birthday mama! 
I’m amazed of how God has blessed you so much with awesome gifts (permit me to save the list much has been said).
 I look at you & this scripture comes alive “the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints” what throws me off balance is how you manage your gifts and deliver with excellence & more channels are opening up.
You model *strength & stewardship*. Real to a core & a lover of God, child-like, sacrificial giver, hmm my words fail me.
Just as *Conelius* may a book of remembrance be opened in the heaven's for good, for your labour of love. You know I can't write my story without you, thank ma for your investment in me, you may think its little but it means a lot.
Love you P. Kacy of life.
Long life & prosperity in all ramifications of life & God's kingdom.

simply put, you are a don't leave things the way you met them, anybody that encounters you and remain the same, chooses to be that way, you are courageous, bold, and dogged, with a very fierce grim persistence, you don't give up. your style may not be appealing to all, but everyone always sees the result at the are a very strong woman, not in words but by what you show... Thank you for your impact in my life. I have learnt countless things from you just by watching you...I celebrate the grace of God upon your life... and I pray God takes you by the hand, by him may you run through a troop, and by him may you leap over walls.... you  will boldly say that the Lord is your helper... I love and celebrate you mami.

 To a Superwoman, Fascinating woman and a Burden Bearer.
▪For Knowing the way, going the way and showing the way - You're a Model Leader
▪For every time you chose Courage over Comfort - You frightened fear itself
▪For every tear, shed, sleepless nights, waiting periods - You displayed Strength and not weakness
▪For Keeping the Family of God and your own home -You are a Virtuous woman
▪For Daring to be the best @ what you do and being result oriented - Goal getter
▪For Carrying God and showcasing depth each time 
▪For being the realest person I have met.
I don't know you as much as I crave to but each time I see you, hear you and hear about you - I just know that there's more than meets the eye.
You have given me a platform to dream, to be more ,to give more. 
I pray on this day, that you will be birth and blessed with the harvest of every good seed, you have sown, and may your seeds be Pillars, mighty upon the Earth.
May all you do be glorified and may your little efforts yield an exceedingly great reward.
For the work ahead ..May your strength not diminish but be renewed each day...
Love you MA..HBD Cheers!!!
Precious Eze.

Happiest Birthday beautiful and elegant P KC.
Wonder woman as I fondly call you. You’re a mother, a friend, a mentor, an adviser, a warrior queen and a goal getter.
One thing that amazes me about you is your way of rebuking one when he/she does the wrong thing not minding class or status and the way you also shower appraisals on one when they also do doing the right thing.
I remember the time I joined DC Angels and how you rebuked me over the way I was singing. I then realized that this ministry no be joke oh... You can misbehave in other places but not in DC choir. 
Momma thank you for all you do. You walk into a place and the whole room is lightened. I love you and i admire you a lot Ma. I know eyes have not seen nor ears heard what God has in store for you. God bless you richly Ma.
Chai. I’m speechless now. 
Happy birthday once again Ma.
Let me go and rekindle and return I will shame my enemies today.

Hard work, integrity, perseverance and love are just a few of your attributes. 
You have shown me new depths of understanding, knowledge, and wisdom. I know that I am just beginning on an exciting journey of growth, and I have you to thank for showing me the way.
Your prayer, support, encouragement, and motivation has meant everything to me as I struggled with doubt, exhaustion, and uncertainty. You were always there with a kind word, a verse, or a quote that helped me get through some of my darkest times (sometimes you didn't even know).
You are a blessing and a light in my life and in the lives of so many others. I cannot thank you enough. I only hope that I'll be able to support and encourage others as you have supported and encouraged me. Happy birthday ma..

When I first met you I thought to myself "what woman of wisdom and strength is this?" I was amazed. I then realized that this wisdom and strength is channeled to championing the course of elevating others then it became clear that I have seen Christ on earth. 
I don't have plenty words but I must say Ma that you're Salt and Light. Just one glance at you can give another strength, encouragement, and believe, you can support for Africa.
You're a blessing indeed.
Thank you for being P. Kacy for all. My P. Kacy and I love you.
I celebrate you Ma. Happy birthday Ma. Cheers!
Rafael Edirin.

Happy Birthday to a woman sold out to the service of her maker.
Tears rolled down my eyes this morning as I read through the chapters of P KC on the 2019 edition on this wall; still rolling as I type.
What a being!
The amazing thing is that these are no mere words, they are all true words which everyone can attest to. Yet they are not even enough to describe her.
I haven’t seen any life PKC come through without leaving a mark.
Young and old (irrespective of sex), and even Children (Ask Nathan, Isaac & Tehilla John).
Do not take any spiritual exercise with P KC a joke. 
I have had many and they still speak for me till date - Bible, Prayer Challenge.........
I am certain that God is up to something tremendous with you which will show forth for the world to see and ultimately bring glory to his name. SOON!!!
My grass root Pastor I call you.
God bless you and your seeds.
God bless your generation present and the ones to come.
And most importantly, May he say well done to you at the end of your assignment.


  1. Beautifully compiled and composed👊... They say we rise by lifting others. Pastor Kacy validates this statement everytime!!!


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