Those with dark lips raise your hands. 
The skin care culture has always been one that many people let go of or follow loosely and regret as soon as the consequences hit home. Taking care of one’s body should be top of our list; it is after-all a priority. One of the parts of our body that need attention is our lips.

I have a friend name Joy, a.k.a Yoxie marion or Amaria. She has dark lips. I bet she has been asked by the fearless -''Do you smoke?'' This can be quite embarrassing because she does not.

Point is............... our lips are supposed to be soft and beautiful not overly dark and parched; if your lips is exactly like the former then you must be doing everything wrong either due to whatever habit you’ve picked up or general lack of care (I do need to add at this point that some people have natural dark lips).

For women, dark lips equals “not sensual at all” and it also means that some applicators (lipstick, gloss etc) would not look as good as they ought to.  Therefore, you actually have to look for methods to make your lips blend in correctly and this can be a stressful feat.

Now, whether your dark-lips are caused by habits or laziness (from lack of care) you can rejuvenate them by using Lemon and/or Sugar.
Image result for dark lips

Method One: Lemon Only
Squeeze out lemon juice and apply on lips after you have used a soft brush to massage them. Leave on lips over-night. Continue until you get the desired effect.
Method Two: Lemon and Sugar
On a thin slice of lemon, sprinkle a dash of granulated sugar, scrub your lips. This method helps to get rid of dead skin cells and reveal new skin which may be all you need.
Method Three: Sugar, Honey & Olive Oil
Mix sugar, with a bit of honey and a little potion of olive oil (do not let it overwhelm the rest of the ingredients). Mix these ingredients correctly, apply on clean lips, and gently scrub in a circular motion.
Method Four: Sugar & Shea Butter
Mix sugar and Shea butter together forming a paste. Damping your lips and gently scrub in a circular motion. Use this mixture as much as possible.

I hope you find this really helpful, let us know your experience with any of the methods you eventually use in the comment section below.
