I had to reflect on the many things a woman is, has been through and how she stands out triumphant. Time after time, era after era her relevance no matter how relegated remains undaunted. Read on........

Like the moon and the sun
She's worth more than gold.

Like stars in the sky
She's worth more than silver.
A Special kind of woman.
A very strong woman of dignity.
Full of divinity,
Embodied in royalty,
Yet walks in humility.

She's a warrior princess
She fights her battles on her knees.
She conquers territories,
And brings home victories.

The world is for the taking.
New grounds she's constantly breaking.
She's great at multi tasking.
Oh! She's a woman in the making.
For the trophies to be won she keeps threshing.

Her hands are not idle.
Her feet are not feeble.
She walks and wiggle.
Often times overwhelmed but she bubbles.

Looked down by society
Her self worth is in the Almighty
Neglected to obscurity
Her relevance is undaunted by the nurtured lives that create impact.

She's so blessed.
Wonderfully and fearfully made
Adorned with Glory and Favour.
Her beauty is all day.
So beautiful.
She is a WOMAN!

By Rita Ebeh


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