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I get that the tittle is a bit confusing but there are people who maybe recently went through a break up or just aren’t boo’ed up just yet or are eternally single (just joking) but still single ladies with no prospective date can’t wait for Valentine’s day to be over.
Anyways, it’s not just single ladies that refuse to celebrate Valentine’s Day, some people believe that the day has been over commercialized and so it has lost its originality. Well whichever the case is there are so many categories that you may fall in and so many reasons why you are Anti Valentine.
If you are feeling a little bit anti-valentine right now, well am here to ease your stress, here’s how to celebrate Valentine’s Day without feeling left out, make it empowering and fun:

1. Throw an Anti-Valentine party, invite those that don’t have a significant other; couples who are sick of the holiday can be invited too. Have a theme that is not about valentine, use empowering note cards as decoration and play singles game.

2. Well you can order yourself an Anti-Valentine day cup cake (make sure the baker gets that part right). Check online for funny and sarcastic slogans.

3. Go out to dinner; Invite your parent, a single girlfriend or a casual acquaintance. Spending the day with a special someone who is not a romantic partner is celebrating Valentine in its originality rather than the commercial and cheezy way.

4. Gift out cool and fun items to your friends, this act would lift up someone’s spirit and put them in a better mood.

5. Singletons aren’t the only ones that hate the commercialized Valentine’s Day, couples do too and so if you are a couple that hate Valentine’s Day then send your significant other a funny anti-valentine’s day meme.

Valentine’s Day is to celebrate love and so celebrating the love you have for yourself is very original. I really mean all of February though. Love yourself.
