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What does it mean to be artistic? To what extent is it learned?
For many, art is meant to instill a myriad of emotions in the beholder, such as beauty, awe, surprise, sadness, anger, and even disgust.
Some artworks generate feelings rather quickly, while others depend on elaborate thought and knowledge. Actually, our response to art always depends on what we know—which includes factual knowledge about the world, cultural knowledge, knowledge gained from personal experiences, and even knowledge about the art process itself.

In Experiencing Art: In the Brain of the Beholder (link is external), I explored the psychological processes involved when we invite an aesthetic experience and offered the I-SKE model, which implicates four essential features of our aesthetic response to art: the artist's intention to offer a work for aesthetic appreciation, and three components that drive the beholder's experience: sensationknowledge, and emotion. RITSPOKE ARTS is an infusion of these and more which is the power of imagination.

 The history of art is the history of any activity or product made by humans in a visual form for aesthetical or communicative purposes, expressing ideas, emotions or, in general, a worldview.
Over time visual art has been classified in diverse ways, from the medieval distinction between liberal arts and mechanical arts, to the modern distinction between fine arts and applied arts, or to the many contemporary definitions, which define art as a manifestation of human creativity.

The subsequent expansion of the list of principal arts in the 20th century reached to nine: architecture, dance, sculpture, music, painting, poetry (described broadly as a form of literature with aesthetic purpose or function, which also includes the distinct genres of theatre and narrative), film, photography and graphic arts.

In addition to the old forms of artistic expression such as fashion and gastronomy, new modes of expression are being considered as arts such as video, computer art, performance, advertising, animation, television and videogames and even crafts like ritspokearts.

Artists have always responded to the issues of the day, integrated the latest thinking and challenged our perceptions. The arts develop ways of thinking that can be nonlinear and visual rather than verbal.
In addition to the role of the arts in fostering creative thinking, the arts give us a venue for dealing with the complexities and ambiguities of human existence, helping to build a bridge between diverse cultures and experiences.


  1. Make sense.. Its just a matter of time before u will be heard, do not relent....

  2. Thank you for your words of encouragement. it sure will get better


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