"And if I perish, I perish…" ~ Esther 4:16 "I wish I have two lives: first one to fool around and practise, and the second one, the real deal that God will judge me on.
¶ Sometimes our basic challenge is that we operate our brain in a way that cripples it. We make plans
based on the question: "What if I don't make it?" instead of "What if I do make it?" The two questions
have exactly the same number of words, and exactly the same words save the "n't", but their energies
are different and their implications are far-reaching.
Fear is almost always the reason for a Plan B. In project management, there may be nothing terribly wrong with a Plan B as long as it is borne not out of fear but contingency. Fear cancels an objective; contingency works around the obstacle to arrive at the objective.
* Not Everything Can Be Plan B'ed *

For example, you don't want to Plan B your eternity! Centuries behind, human beings invented purgatory,
a very convenient Plan B to eternity. Yet, Scripture warns that "it is appointed unto man once to die
and after that the judgment." Some religions invented re-incarnation for the same purpose.
≈ Burn your ship!
Do you remember the famous Islamic general, Tariq ibn Ziyad, who invaded Spain in 711 with only 7,000 men? As soon as the vastly outnumbered warriors landed the coast of Spain, he instructed his
commanders to burn all their ships!
When the soldiers looked back and saw their ships in flame, they knew it was conquer or die. And conquer they did ... for the next 800 years!
Burning your ship isn't ice cream. But mark these words in your diary: "You will never amount to anything in this world by playing safe." Having a Plan B saps the energy you should have invested in making the Plan A come to fruition. These days, before people say "I do" at the marriage altar, they had already rented a flat to retreat in case the marriage falls apart. "When God joined you, He padlocked your souls and threw the key into the Atlantic." You'll soon discover that it was much easier to settle any difference between u than go looking for a tiny key in the ocean where the whole world, with its marveling technologies, find it difficult to even locate a Malaysian plane with hundreds of loved ones on board!
¶ If you want to get unstuck from your current mess and move your mountains, kill the Plan B! Create a
point-of-no-return, like Queen Esther, for yourself if you are serious about achieving that dream. If your
ship is still in the harbor, I can predict that you'll soon beat the retreat path to that your dingy comfort zone.
Queen Esther, God bless you! I, too, am going to fulfill God's plan for me on earth ... no demon or human can stop me! No circumstance can halt my advance! My ship is burnt! No turning back! If I perish, I perish but I'm going to complete it!
Welcome to the year, Enjoy the month of February 2015.....I love you


  1. He who fails to plan, plans to fail but focused plans achieves much.


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