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He that walks with the wise will be wise
Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom, and with all your getting, get understanding.
Wisdom is one of the most powerful forces on earth. It is the difference between failure and success; between poverty and prosperity; between defeat and victory; between stagnation and promotion.
We are discussing a vital key to wisdom, MENTORING.
King Solomon in the Bible had a remarkable dream. God told him to ask for anything he desired. Solomon asked only for wisdom. This was God’s reply; “Because your greatest desire is to help your people, and you haven’t asked for long life, but for wisdom and knowledge to properly guide my people, yes, I am giving you the wisdom and knowledge you asked for. And I am also giving you such riches, wealth and honour as no other king has ever had before you!”
You see, the wisest king in the Bible was also the wealthiest. Wisdom is powerful.
You Too Can Have Access To The Wise
Now, you may not encounter God in a dream like Solomon, but you can have access to wisdom too. One of the proverbs of King Solomon says, “He that walks with the wise will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed.”
You too can receive wisdom through association with the wise. I call that Mentoring. It is also known as Coaching.
Dear friend, God has positioned mentors around you to minimize your mistakes and maximize your potential for success. Learn from them and get ready to rise to the top.
Mentors inspire us.
Mentors enhance our speed in life.
Mentors are our gates to greatness.
We are wise when we admit that there are people who know better than we do, and we learn from them.
