1. Prince Charming isn’t the key to happiness or solution to your problems.

Jesus is.

2. Six pack abs & a thigh gap won’t make you any happier or more beautiful than you already are.

3. The world does not revolve around you but the God who created the world values you more than it ever could anyway.

4. People will exclude you. Include others instead of paying forward the pain.

5. Don’t be shocked when reality doesn’t reflect your expectations. Improvise, adapt, overcome.

6. Read your Bible. It reminds you not only who you are but why you’re here.

7. Hug people more.

8. Actively pursue laughter daily. A little humor goes a long way.

9. Your salary, followers, or status doesn’t impress God.

10. Speaking of impressing, spend more energy on impacting the world than trying to impress it. When you impact, you stand out for good. When you try to impress, you become just like it.

11. This life is not a competition.

12. Don’t be so quick to judge people different from you. You don’t know where they come from and that is not your job.

13. Ask more questions. It’s hard to hate people when you get in closer to understand them.

14. Its okay to be wrong but it’s not okay to be too prideful to admit when you’re wrong.

15. You’re a lot stronger than you think. You can adult. You CAN even Do hard things.

16. I know you’re afraid of what people think right now. But in several years you’ll look back & see how many times you’ve embarrassed yourself & realize it is not the end of the world.  It makes you a little more courageous each time.

17. You can’t be a complainer & a light shiner. Venting is ok but know the time and the place. Be a light shiner, not a light extinguisher.

18. You’re going to fail but you don’t have to live in your failures.

19. Manage your minutes. Time slips by fast. Fill your days with purpose and your nights with good solid rest.

20. Many days it’ll feel like darkness is winning. But just remember this, dear one: the brokenness doesn’t have the final say. God does.

Written by: Esther Ebeh
