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When times are tough and money is tight, the last thing you need is a lifestyle that costs more than you can afford. Sometimes, it’s just not possible to pay for a gym membership or buy certified organic food.
This doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy a healthy lifestyle just because you don’t have a big budget. It just means that you have to be a little more creative with your food purchases and workouts.
Healthy Eating on a Budget
Healthy food doesn’t have to be expensive. There are ways to keep costs down without compromising on your health.
Home-cooked meals

The easiest way to cut down on food costs is to make more meals at home. In fact, home-cooked meals generally score higher on the Healthy Eating Index than restaurant meals and takeout.
The trouble is many people don’t even bother to eat healthy because they assume it’s expensive. This isn’t true.
For instance, you can make about 10 servings of rice from a $2 bag of brown rice. That’s about 20 cents per serving; No restaurant can beat that price.
Some cheap and healthy ingredients that are available at just about any store are frozen vegetables, potatoes, canned beans, dried lentils whole wheat pasta and, of course, brown rice.
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Organically grown
If you prefer organic food, you’ll be happy to know that most “organically grown” fruits and vegetables are just as healthy as the “certified organic” ones.
There are many farmers who grow food without using pesticides and chemical fertilizers but haven’t been certified by the US government – mainly because certification is very expensive. Such food is labeled “organically grown” and is a perfectly healthy substitute for certified organic food.

Discounts and Coupons
Discounts and coupons are an easy way to save money on groceries.
There are ton of websites on the Internet that compile information on discounts and coupon codes. You can sign up for their newsletters and receive regular emails to help maximize your savings.

Working Out on a Budget
You don’t need a gym membership to workout.
Try to find a budget conscious (cheap) boot camp that is held outside and requires little or no equipment. You can burn up to 600 calories an hour without having to spend a fortune.
Alternatively, find out if the community centers or parks in your area offer any inexpensive or free classes that you can sign up for. Even if there aren’t any classes there’ll probably be a free tennis court, swimming pool or recreational space that you can use.
Another affordable (cheap) option is to simply take a walk or go for a run. There is no greater motivation to stay in shape than how you great you feel AFTER a training session outside in the fresh air.
However, if you would rather work out at home, consider buying used gym equipment from craigslist.
A healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to cost a fortune. If you really want to be your healthiest you, don’t let cost stand in the way. Just get a little creative and think outside the box!
